Newsletters: Communication is the key to successful collaboration. The school sends home weekly electronic announcements via the Orion Gazette. The classroom teachers send home a monthly newsletter. Looking for volunteer info or the calendar of events. Make sure you sign up for the parent communication tool with the classroom coordinator.
Facebook Groups: The Orion community maintains private closed Facebook page for parents of current Orion students, providing Orion program announcements and a community space to share information. FB Group Name:
Starship Orion (requires admin approval to join).
Orion and Mandarin Immersion Parents (requires admin approval to join).
Konstella: This is our primary parent communication platform. It enables communication across the whole school, both programs, individual classrooms, and individual parents. This is where ALL PRIMARY PARENT-TO-PARENT COMMUNICATION HAPPENS! Find announcements, sign-ups, event calendars and information, PTO minutes and files and photo sharing. Join using this link:
The Mandarin Immersion Community maintains a public open Facebook page at