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It is well established that faithful and regular school attendance in school is related to student progress and achievement. In order for your child to do his or her very best, it is important that he/she be in school as many days as possible.

We need your help in making sure your child has good attendance. We ask that students and parents abide by an attendance rate of 95%; parents agree to support regular attendance, and promptly observe the opening and closing times of the instructional day. Students must maintain a 95% or greater attendance rate, including absences and tardies. Students with an attendance rate less than 95% are in jeopardy of losing precious learning time. There are times when it is necessary for a child to miss school. For example, a child who is sick or has symptoms of an illness will need to stay home. 

Attendance is important! Please send your child to school every day as long as they are healthy.

Attendance Regulations: Authorized Absences: student absence is excused for the following main reasons only:

1. Illness or injury
2. Quarantine
3. Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment
4. Funeral of immediate family